Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rambling On

Have you ever watched a movie, read a book, listened to a song, or heard a story that just made you stop? That made you feel raw emotions like you hadn't for a long time, and once it was done, you weren't sure of what you were suppose to do or what was suppose to happen?

How do you do that? You experience an event or an idea or an emotion that is so incredible, and how are you suppose to return to normal afterwards? Because doing anything other than just sitting there seems so wrong.

This is me expressing those feelings. I felt the need to sit and do nothing but my body wouldn't let me, so here I am expressing as much on my blog. While my blog is mainly about my travels, it is also about me, so here you go. This post has nothing to do with what I have been doing, but instead what I have been thinking.

I recently, and by recently I mean ten minutes ago, finished a movie called "Remember Me". This movie may be known for the fact that it has the wizard-turned-sparkly vampire in it who is called Robert Pattinson. While I think his acting could use a bit of polishing, I'm not here to critique that. Instead, his roughness here lead to release of raw emotion in this film that is just nagging at me, and I'm sure will still be doing so for the next few days.

Within this movie, it doesn't hide it's emotions. The characters lay it out to bare, and at times it was beautiful. The end though, made me sit up from the couch and just cry. I couldn't help myself. Any of you out there that have watched movies with me know that I cry at the slightest thing when it comes to films, but this was a bit different. The storyline itself could have been anyone out there, and maybe the feeling I have from watching it is the feeling that it did happen. Not to him, but to others. So the pain that I am feeling for a fictional character could be translated to pain for actual people.

But even so, what are you suppose to do when an art form, I guess, speaks to you in such a way? I have read books before, where I reached the end, put down the book, and have no idea what to do with myself. Because while on the outside I am no different than before I started the story, on the inside I am changed forever. To sit and think about it more would drive me crazy, because I would be feeling that pain, but to go off and start a new project or turn on the tv like nothing happened would degrading to those involved with the creation process, and doesn't ever seem right to me. So then, my question is, what am I suppose to do?

In this situation, I had the urgent need to write it all down. So does this mean we go to what is normal to us, what makes us happy? Writing has always been something atune to background noise for me. While I can write well, I have never really honed my skill so it sits, waiting for me to either get better at it or drop it completely. While I enjoy writing, I decided to pursue other options throughout my life as I felt that those were going to lead me to a better life. Yet, whenever something goes wrong, or I have an emotion that I can't explain, I write.

And even this. I didn't start out this post thinking it would lead me to writing. I was in a slightly confused state about what I wanted to be doing, the minutes after the credits rolled. I didn't even stop to watch the deleted scenes as I normally do. Maybe because it would have I don't know. I can't explain it. But, it lead me to write.

So here I am, writing. I have always entertained this small little fascination in my head that I may one day become a published author. I have even written the dedication that would be in my first book (although, I think I would need to change it, because things have changed since I wrote it a few years ago). I have started dozens of stories, all only about 40 pages long before I lose the muse and I can't think of anything to write about, or why anyone would want to read it. But maybe, one day, I will become that published author, my name in bold on a hardcover book, one that you would see directly in front of you as you stepped in Barnes & Nobles with a 30% (or 40% for members) sticker on the front, as all seem to have. Would you read it because you knew me? If it sucked, I'm sure most of you would tell me because almost none of my friends or family believe in coddling me (thank god).

On other notes, I have an interview tomorrow. Yes, for a full time job. Yes, I am nervous. And yes, my boss did just call me and ask me to come in early tomorrow to get a project done asap. So yes, I am going to bed.

And, you should watch "Remember Me". Let me know if it made you stop and review your thoughts.

If you read all of this, my sincere thanks. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Comment dit-on....?

How do you say...? was the phrase of the day yesterday. The Des Plaines interns ventured into Chinatown in Chicago, and since two of the interns are full-fledged Chinese, they did a lot of translations for us. And since I can't speak a word of Chinese (besides "Hello", "How are you", "Thank You", and something that really shouldn't be translated haha), I figured I'd go with MY language.

Summer is starting to wind down for some of the interns. Andy, who goes to Berkeley, finished up his 12 weeks just two days ago on Friday, and left yesterday afternoon for home.  That leaves 6 interns left, with four of us at hotel. Two others leave in a week, and then Keith leaves in two, and the other two leave the week after that. I will be on my own for two weeks at the end of the internship -- but no worries! I have plans.

On Friday, September 3rd, I'll be boarding a plane to see someone I haven't seen in TWO years...Gabriell here I come! I'll be heading in Washington, D.C. for THREE WHOLE DAYS, and I expect to get into a lot of trouble together! (JUST KIDDING!) Gabs and I met while we both were studying in France (the best time of my life....I still talk about it constantly) two years ago, and bonded over our cooking adventures in the kitchen of the dorm, among other things. We got to see each other for about 12 hours one day when I was in Baltimore for the SWE National Conference in November 08. Definitely not long enough....we've been talking about trying to get together for a little over a year now, and it just never seemed to work out. And now, since I am about 1500 miles closer than ever before, we had to meet up. Plus, I love Washington, D.C. so this is going to be a blast!

So, what have I been up to you ask? Besides Chinatown and Dim Sum (delicious, by the way), there's been plenty of learning going on. I visited the International Museum of Surgical Science last weekend, which is really more like a history of medicine than anything else. Their cardiology exhibit was down, which I was very disappointed about, as the heart is one of my favorite body parts to learn about, but the rest of the museum was very cool. The even had a working iron lung there in their polio exhibit!

Various Prostheses
Some parts of the museum that were really interesting were the primitive tools that they had on display. Many were incredibly crude, used to lobotomize patients or to cut off limbs. And to think, they probably didn't sharpen too many of their tools, the patients were in no way anesthetized, the majority of the tools were not sanitized, and the doctors didn't even WASH THEIR HANDS!?!? How disgusting? But it also makes you think....these doctors had to think what they were doing was progressive and useful, exactly the way that we think nowadays. What will the future think of our practices now that we think so highly of?

More Transformers!
After the Museum of Surgical Science, I decided I was just going to walk around a bit before I went back to the hotel....which I ended up doing about five hours later. What started as a small walk turned into three miles as I made my way downtown to the loop (the museum was way north). However, as I discovered two years while I was in Paris, sometimes walking allows you to find the coolest things that you would normally miss if you decided to take the train. That doesn't happen as much in Chicago as the El is....elevated....but still, it's fun to walk. Along the way, I came upon MORE Transformers 3 filming....I guess they really are making Chicago to main stage for it all. No, I didn't see Shia LaBoeuf, but then again, I wasn't really trying. This was near Trump Tower, which is pretty damn cool by the way. The tower is the second largest building in Chicago, also making it the second largest in the United States (behind Sears Tower, also in Chicago).

I also managed to follow my nose, literally, to get some Garrett's popcorn. If you have never tried it, you are missing out! They are famous for their "ChicagoMix", which is cheese popcorn and caramel popcorn mixed together. While that doesn't sound appetizing, trying it is another story. It's the perfect mixture of salty and sweet, playing off the senses. There are only two downsides: the first, is that your hands get incredibly greasy and so you must lick your fingers constantly, and the second, that once you have one handful of the mixture you are constantly reaching your hand back in the bag for more. I swear, there must be some crack or something in this popcorn because I always want to go back and get some more. A small bag will run you about $4, but it's definitely worth it -- and a small bag is enough for about 4 people, so that helps too.

Picasso's Unnamed Sculpture
Wandering also lead me to Daley Plaza, where I viewed the unnamed Picasso sculpture. I don't know about anyone else, but I definitely reminded me of the Lion King....It's an incredible sculpture, and when viewed from different angles it allows itself to tell you different stories. The use of the lines and the materials make for a generally amazing sight. From what I understand, this a place where many professionals eat lunch during the day, but since it was a Saturday it was pretty deserted, with an exception to the little kids who happened to be running through the fountain that's to the left of this sculpture.

Eye and Cardinal
Another piece of art that I happened by (well, I actually went to seek it out. I had read about it one day and it was nearby Daley plaza. I had to go!) was "Eye and Cardinal", a giant EYEBALL. I believe it's part of a rotating art series, and they feature a new piece of art in this plaza every few months or so. The level of detail in the eye was very intense and very cool all the way around.

Now if only they passed the third grade....
Over the past few weeks, Keith and I have been going on some car adventures when we get bored. One day, we decided to drive to the Field Museum, but the highway was completely backed up and we decided it wasn't worth it. Then, we decided to go to this outlet mall just over the border in Wisconsin (just about an hour away)....and I managed to spend more than I needed to at the Eddie Bauer Factory Store. But that's a different story. Along the way, we found a car that thought very highly of itself.

Just a tad suspicious
On another car adventure, this time to find food (we found it at the Pita House, and the dessert at Baker's Square, then Keith almost got a spray-on tan, and then we went bowling. I beat him, two games to one. We continued the party at Target, where I got razors and he got deodorant, and then we went back to the hotel and watched Lara Croft. Just a typical Friday, you know). On our way, I noticed that the car ahead of us seemed just a bit suspicious...that Altima in front of us had a tube hanging out of it's back end (insert that's what she said joke here). Keith joked that it must be for air, for the person trapped inside. Doesn't it look like it? Also on the adventures we found another car that seemed to think it was all that AND a bag of chips, as evidenced by it's plate. I actually have no idea what it was trying to say, but maybe the person driving the car didn't either.

Finally, yesterday, Keith, Jing, Dandan, Dandan's BF, and I went into the city to go to Chinatown for some delicious dim sum. That's right, be jealous. I loved going with Dandan and Jing because they are both from China originally (but go to university in the US), so they were old pros at ordering dim sum, and managed to get us some yummy food. I tried some very interested food, and as I am still not sure what all of it was I won't even begin to try to write it down. But, I'm still standing, so it couldn't have been too weird right? We then proceeded to the newer end of Chinatown and went to the street fair that was going on. Keith unsuccessful tried to haggle, and Jing successfully did haggle.

My stingray buddy.  I decided to call him NORM
We then proceeded to the Shedd Aquarium in honor of the fact that it is Shark Week, so we wanted to see some SHARKS! Once again, we got in for free (and got to skip the Disneyland-size line) because the Abbott fund donated a bunch of money, and there's even a whole wing called the "Abbott Oceanarium". Every time I go into one of these museums and see the wing or the sign that Abbott donated money towards it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. It's the same feeling that I get every time I see Similac or Ensure commercials and the Abbott logo pops up on the lower right hand side of the screen near the end of the commercial. It makes me so proud to be part of such a great institution.

In addition to sharks, we saw more fish than I could ever count (and Keith said it made him hungry for sushi). I really liked seeing all of the turtles, which happen to be some of my favorite animals. They had many different types, including sea turtles. This little guy, christened George, is a kind of sea turtle. We made friends, and he hung out near my side of the tank for a good five minutes before he ran (swam?) off.

This cool fish is dubbed the "esquire fish" by Keith and I because it looks like a type of fish to be an "esquire". I actually don't even remember the real name of it, but I liked the fish so he got his picture taken as well. We also saw a lot of penguins, and there was a 4-D Happy Feet show that wasn't really worth $6. But then again, I didn't even pay to get into the museum so I can't complain much. However, it seems to be the place to take kids, so it was CRAZY. If I went back I'd go in the morning when hopefully less children would be there.

It's back to work tomorrow. I am nearly done my asset documentation job, which has taken me a lot longer than expected. Out of 29 rooms to catalog, I have two left, so I am very excited about that. I spent most of Friday gowning up and degowning as I went from one clean room to the other all day. This past Friday marked only the second Friday that I have stayed until 5 pm, as I usually accumulate about 2 hours extra throughout the week so I can leave early. I did that again this week, but I decided to stay late so that I could finish up most everything, and I'll just add those extra 2 hours to next week.

I also have my first interview this Friday for a full time job! Fingers crossed that I'll get an offer!

The interns left: Me, Dandan, Keith, and Jing, with the Chicago Skyline

Monday, July 26, 2010

Racing Through Chicago


On Monday, 200 of my fellow interns and I descended upon Chicago to take part in the "Amazing Race", a team building type activity that took us all throughout the city of Chicago. IT WAS CRAZY! We were given clues that lead us to various landmarks throughout the city like Wrigley Field, Sears Tower, Second City, and Buckingham Fountain. Once we made it to those landmarks, we had to do crazy things to get points, like singing "Take Me Out to The Ballgame" while outside of Wrigley Field. It was a really cool way to see different places in the city, and we got money to do it. SUSAN: I went to the hotdog place. And ate one. But I forgot a photo :(

One of the other ways we could get points was by getting random items like Cubs hats, wine corks, shotglasses, and McDonald's toys to name a few. So what happened to all of these things at the end? We got them! So, the three of us got Chicago hats, wine bottles, and shot glasses...and decided to party it up in the limo on the way back. Hence, the crazy the photos that are now going to be on the blog. Sorry Andy and Keith, you are now living in infamy.

The rest of the week managed to pass by uneventfully -- the interns are gearing up for the poster presentation that is taking place up at Abbott Park this Thursday, so we have been going to craft stores and Walmart to try and find everything that's needed for the posters. Mine is called "An AMD Summary", and is an overview of the products that AMD puts out. Mainly, it's because a lot of people still don't know what AMD does since it has only been up and running for about five years now.

While Keith is going above and beyond with his poster on the Plex-ID, I'm just trying to get mine done. I'm basing it off of the IMDb website, so that way the other interns can kind of draw parallels. And so then I don't have to be as creative.

By the way, I went and saw "Inception" on Thursday night -- it was a great use of $10, by the way. It was one of those movies that continues to make me think even days afterward. It was incredibly interesting, mind bending, and one of those movies that leaves you walking out of the theater trying to figure out something that you can't quite put your finger on. Don't worry, I won't say anymore, however I highly recommend it to anyone who is on the fence about seeing it. Once you do....let me know, and we can trade theories!

On Saturday I almost didn't head into the was raining! Once it stopped, I went into the city, and they were having MASSIVE flooding problems. I went to the north side of the city to the Chicago History Museum, and it was a very interesting museum. It was really cool to see the history behind the start of Chicago, and then all of the famous and infamous events that have happened in their past. There were exhibits on the deep dish pizza, the origin of the hot dog, Al Capone, the Great Chicago Fire (by the way, the City of Chicago exonerated Mrs. O'Leary AND her cow a few years ago of any wrong doing in the Chicago Fire), and many other events throughout history. There was also one about the Playboy Club, which I thought was funny.

Also, I decided that if I somehow end up in the Chicago area after college, I am going to get married at the Chicago History Museum. I somehow manged to wander into the banquet hall, and as I glanced outside, my breath was taken away. It was gorgeous outside, and gorgeous inside. 

Afterward, I was making my way back to the El station to go downtown (on an errand I'll write about in a paragraph after this one), when I, on a whim, decided to turn left instead of straight and walk through Old Town. A great decision, I must say so. I found what I decided to call the "Chicago Freedom Trail" (in honor of the few times my mother had us walk the infamous Boston Freedom Trail....I'm assuming it wasn't actually that horrible, but family legend and lore has made it miles longer than it was and uphill both ways). It was plaques at various points along the street that gave the history of Old Town. Now, if that wasn't the best part, I found a fudge shop called "The Fudge Pot". IT WAS DELICIOUS. Of course, delicious chocolate doesn't come cheap...the brick of a chocolate caramel was completely worth it though.

So, now onto the real reason why I was heading downtown. The SWE National headquarters are located in Chicago, and I figured since I was in town, I should go by and see them (it was like a nerdy pilgrimage). After walking out of my way for about 10 minutes, I finally found the right place. It is right near the Chicago Board of Trade, which has been featured in movies like The Dark Night and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and will be in Transformers 3. So, the office building where SWE is located is in those movies, too! I felt really nerdy when I wandered inside to see the listing of companies and explained why I was there to the doorman. She seems to find it funny though, and let me wander around the lobby, which was nice and cool while it was muggy and nasty outside.

Another delicious food item of Chicago's is Garrett's popcorn, which is know for it's "ChicagoMix", which is caramel corn and cheese corn mixed together. While it sounds kind of gross, it is actually DELICIOUS! I stopped by on my way to the El station (ok, actually, I went three blocks out of my way, but I REALLY wanted that popcorn) to get myself some "gourmet" popcorn, and finally headed back to Des Plaines.

Surgical Science Museum next weekend? I hope so!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wallace's Grommets

A few weeks ago, Keith and I (and when I say Keith and I, I really just mean me since it really was my idea, Keith just encouraged it) had this great idea for the Abbott website. On the Abbott employee intranet, there is this site not unlike craigslist for employees to place ads on. Seeing this, I had an incredible flash of brilliance!

The founder of Abbott is Dr. Wallace C. Abbott, who was a doctor in the late 1800s. And, as some of you know, Wallace & Grommet is one of the BEST movie franchises of all time! I was introduced to these brilliant movies when I was about seven years old, and Uncle Richard sent us a three movie set for Christmas. And, grommets are also a term for a type of fastener, or, as I like to call it, a do-hickey.

Therefore, I had a flash of inspiration -- why not call the ad website Wallace's Grommets! I thought it was an extremely great idea, as did the other interns (yes, all two of them). Now, if only corporate would go for it....

In the ten minutes I have been sitting here writing, the weather went from hot and muggy to wet, rainy, and thunder. For once, my laziness has paid's long run day according to my running schedule, and around 11 I was going to go out for my leisurely 4 mile run. If I had....I would be out there, at this moment, getting completely soaked. Oh joy. But no, instead I decided I was going to wait for it to cool off, to go out later in the day. I told Randi that I have a major problem motivating myself when she isn't there to motivate me, or at least guilt me into going to practice.

While I do have trouble motivating myself to go out running, I did go for a nice bike ride yesterday....the five mile round-trip to Target at least. Well, I needed a few things, and Target is pretty close, so I figured it would be a good ride. It's only about 15 minutes or so by bike to Target, and it's all flat -- so unlike San Luis Obispo. And it was incredibly hot then, too! I didn't feel it as much when I was riding because I could catch a slight breeze, but as soon as I stopped I was just sweating like crazy...and this was at 8 pm!

Since the 'rents left, life here has been pretty uneventful. I am still working hard at my job. I had a small thought crisis earlier this week when I realized one of my projects is taking much longer than planned (and I missed my deadline by a week so far), and another one of my deadlines is quickly approaching. One reason why I missed my deadline is because the project is taking much longer than both my boss and I thought it would take. We've discussed it, and as long as I keep her updated with my progress, it's fine with her. On that note, I really enjoy working for my boss (she is incredibly funny, and you can tell she has teenage kids whenever she speaks to you because she is definitely a no-nonsense kind of woman), and the people in my group. I get picked on, but it's just cause I'm the newbie and it's all in good fun. As for my other's not actually due until the end of the summer, but I have a presentation on it in two weeks. And it's not even close to being done yet! I'd say that I'm 15% along, so it's going to take a lot of work for me to get it done on time.

One of the great things about the Abbott intern program is that they plan a lot of activities for us. One event we recently got to participate in was a dinner at the Abbott house. The Abbott house is a replica of Wallace Abbott home where he first started up his company, Abbott Alkaloidal, in the late 1800s. The original sits in Ravenswood, IL, and the one on the Abbott property is a replica. It was built in 2005, and is there to host board meetings, and events such as the intern dinner I attended on Friday evening. We weren't allowed to take photos inside, but the outside is pretty neat.

The intern dinner is where they bring in interns from all across the country at all of the different Abbott divisions, and we get to meet some of the senior board members and learn more about the company. They are definitely grooming us to accept jobs with them in the future, that much is obvious. But it's also obvious how much everyone in the company cares about the work that they do. It's not just about the amount of money they make, but the fact that the research that they are doing, the drugs that they are making, the tests that they are perfecting, make a giant impact on the world and that's why they do what they do. This is why I want to work in a field like this, where I know that the work I do can directly benefit the good of others. It's why I became a biomedical engineer.

On another note, I am getting a lot of reading done while I am here....but not much research. In fact the amount of research I've done for my thesis equals about....0. It's just hard to sit down at my computer after a full day staring at one at work and work more. I have to start making myself do it! But I am reading a lot of books...I bought a couple more books on sale a few weeks ago, and I am steadily making my way through them.

In the past twenty minutes, the weather has changed again! It is now sunny, and I can't tell if the noise outside is from the airplanes or residual thunder. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One More Thing....

Bon fete nationale de la France!

Ca c'est le jour de Bastille en France. Il y a deux ans, je me suis asseye sur le tour eiffel avec mes amies. Tu me manques Paris....

English translation!
Happy national holiday in France!

It's Bastille Day in France. Two years ago, I was sitting beneath the Eiffel Tower with my friends. Paris, I miss you....

Beh! Je m'espere que je suis en France maintenent!

Man! I wish I was in France right now!

Do I ever.....

Me and the Muggy City

Oh man. IT IS HOT HERE! And not just's muggy. Yuck.

If it weren't for the indoor gym at my place, I wouldn't be running at all. Because running in the humidity just SUCKS. I've done it a few times already and it is horrible. Just an fyi for all of you out there.

Days like today make me really happy to be working inside a building with AC, as opposed to years past when I would be sitting outside suffering in the heat of the valley while making sure kids didn't drown, or have too much fun.

Work and life has been interesting to say the least. My parents and little sis (yup, Mama and Papa T came a-visitin') came and hung out in Chicago...well, I guess you can't just come and hang out from San Francisco. For those of you who don't know, Papa T grew up just a few hours from Chicago, and Mama T's parents retired to about 30 minutes from here -- so it was like coming home for them! Since I had to work, you know, because that's what I am here to do, they entertained themselves during the week and they we all hung out together on the weekend.

I managed to work extra during the week, so I could leave work SUPER early on Friday. Mama T then took us on the Tour of Illinois, seeing the house where my grandparents retired in Lake Forest, the house she spent a few years in when she was very young in lake Bluff, and then her grandmother's house in Zion. Apparently, Zion was started as a very religious community, with a very "for the good of the community" socialist view. It was kind of cult-like...something that you can't find on any website because they like it covered up. Crazy, right?

On Saturday, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry (really, a return for me), and spent an ENTIRE day wandering around the museum. We got to go inside the U-boat this time, which was insane! This sub is 15 feet across at its widest, and 7 feet tall at its best. 59 sweaty, stinky men in this sub for 3 months at a time...quite a lovely picture to be had. The average temperature on the sub was somewhere in the mid-high 80s...nasty.

I think one of the best stories about the sub was that the US had to ignore all Geneva conventions when it came to capturing the men on this sub. They had 58 POWs to hide, and they wouldn't let the Red Cross or the German high command know of their capture, because otherwise Germany would know that the US had access to their codes for their code machine, Enigma. This code machine was amazingly complicated (even for now), and was proving to be impossible to crack. The U-boat was caught just 2 days before the invasion of Normandy, and therefore the Germans couldn't know that the US now had their codes and other valuable machinery. I'm not saying it was right, but there was definitely a reason why the US did what it did. But the information they got was....invaluable.

I also went down the coal mine, which was a really cool exhibit on the history of mining and how it works. The best part was when I visited Abbott Hall, which had to do with (shocker here) Biomedical! Yay! The whole hall was filled with exhibits like this one, which is an expanded inside body view -- it was so cool! This is why I want to do what I do, I love seeing this kind of thing.

The best part of the Abbott Hall (they donated over $2M -- that why I get in for free) is that they showcased one of their products that I have been working on, a fluorescent probe for seeing cancer cells in the chromosome for breast cancer. It is very interesting technology, and I get to see it in action every single day. This is why I became a biomedical engineer, because I want to be able to help people. And everything Abbott does helps.

And then, we drove by what might have been the coolest part of the day (after the expanded innards, of course)...the Transformers 3 set! They're filming a large part of the movie in Chicago, and so my mom looked up where they were filming and we did a driveby....multiple times. Isn't it neat?! For about four blocks around, there were trucks EVERYWHERE, and then on two blocks were completely sectioned off and it looked like this photo -- just a bunch of "crashed" cars and mayhem and destruction. Susan, I didn't see any Autobots or Decepticons unfortunately.

Sunday, we slowed it down a bit and went and visited the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Oak Park, which is about 20 minutes away from where I am staying. I give him this, Frank Lloyd Wright was an incredibly gifted architect...but not the best when it comes to people skills or maintaining a home life. He was a truly gifted architect at the expense of his family and everyone around him. He really was a control freak -- he designed dresses for the wives of his clients so that they could match the house! The house in Oak Park was the first that he designed, and he and his family lived there for a long time. He only lived there on and off for about 15 years before his wife finally gave him the divorce he wanted and he moved away for good. We then took a driving tour, and since Oak Park is where he lived for awhile there's a bunch of homes around that he designed. He was very famous for telling the builders, when they asked how they were suppose to build to his crazy drawings, "I don't know. I just designed it, you have to build it". He also felt that people should really be appreciative of being able to work with him, and therefore when they came looking to him for payment he rarely had it. He died destitute and so many brilliant minds do.

Unfortunately, it was back to work on Monday, and while Mama and Papa T, and little T , went into Navy Pier and Sears Tower I was in meetings. At least on Tuesday we had our Employee Picnic, so I was paid to eat some pretty good food, play softball, and just generally hang out. It was a lot of fun, and I can see that the employees here are of the "work hard, play hard" type. I think I could get used to this!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Life's Better on a Bike

That's right, I broke down and purchased a mode of transportation. That mode of transportation is a bike, and seems to be pretty good and I got it for a good price.

I got tired of not being able to go where I wanted when I wanted. Yes, we can ask the hotel to take us places, but it's weird sometimes to ask them to take us to dinner or other places. We do get taken to the grocery store once a week, but I've only gone once.

Anyway, my bike took it's maiden voyage to Target on Friday, and worked out just fine. It's weird riding a road bike versus my normal mountain bike, but I got used it to real quickly.

This past week went by very quickly. Right now I am sitting and trying to upload my pictures from my past few weeks here. I am starting my fourth week here! The time is now flying by so quickly. I have so much to do at work this week that I hope I can get all of it done on time...far cry from me being really bored, right? haha.

This past week was a very busy one as well. Monday and Tuesday were normal days at work, but on Wednesday we had a "Career Development Forum" up at Abbott Park. It was a day for all of the interns in the country...which meant that there were 300 or so of us at this thing. I didn't realize how many of us there were from Cal Poly...about 9 or 10 I think. I'm one of two Biomedicals, and there's some Mechanicals, Industrials, and a Comp Sci. On that note, the entire day we were touted with the numbers that we were the top 3% of people who got Abbot interns. Apparently, 15,000 people applied for the job that I have!! And I thought that getting into college was hard. Much of the day was set aside to inform us of the Professional Development Program, which is a two year rotational program for recent grads. I have applied for it, and I do hope that I get the job, because moving around for a few years after college sounds amazing. However, getting into the PDP program is even harder than getting the internship. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also at this Career Development Forum, we went to a few lectures. The first one I went to was on etiquette, specifically dinner etiquette while at business functions. The guy was really funny, and I did learn a lot. The second was on emotional intelligence, which was a very interesting topic. The man was talking about how by making our lives monotonous, we continually looking forward to something, whether it be the weekend, vacation, anything. And by doing that, we can't enjoy the life we are living now. So, break up the monotony, have fun at everything you (while it's easier said than done), and you can enjoy life more. This rang true with me, because it's like what I have been trying to get myself to do this past year. Earlier this year, I decided that by not sweating the small stuff, and by removing myself from some of the crazy ini my life, I can be a lot happier. And it's worked so far.

I worked over 40 hours this past week, but I'm applying the hours to next week so that I can leave early next Friday when my parents are in town. It was ok, because I still had a bunch of work to do. I moved desks on Tuesday, and I am not sure if I get more work done there or less work. I moved next to Keith, one of the other interns, and so now we do talk a lot. I am getting work done, because now I don't wander over to his desk part way through the day, but I did notice that when he left early on Friday I was able to zone everyone out and get a bunch of work done.

I have today, Monday, off from work, so I spent almost all of Saturday and Sunday in the city seeing the sights. Saturday morning, I headed over to the Art Institute of Chicago, where I got in for free because apparently the Abbott foundation donates a bunch of money. Yay for me! I enjoy walking along the water to get places because it was incredibly nice out. The Lion to the left is one of two that flanks the entrance on Michigan Avenue to the Art Institute.

Some pieces inside the institute are "American Gothic", "Nighthawk", and a lot of Georgia O'Keefe's work. I tried to find the Matisse works, because I really find them interesting, but navigating the Art Institute is crazy because you can only get from exhibit to exhibit is to go down to the first floor and go back to the floor you want at the exhibit you want. I was also meeting up with friends to go to Taste of Chicago, but since it's free, I am going to go back another day.

On that note, Taste was delicious!! There was so much food and it was so amazing. I met with a few friends and we all bought a roll of tickets and then shared everything we bought. It lead us eat a turkey leg, chocolate dipped cheesecake, beignets, Irish eggrolls, honey dipped catfish, and a lot of delicious fruit. Yeah, there was a bunch of people there, but it just added to it all, and made it a bunch of fun.

On Sunday, my friends and I went to Sears Tower, which is now actually called "Willis Tower" because some London group bought the tower and the right to it. However, apparently all Chicagoans refuse to call it anything else than Sears Tower. As always, the views were amazing. One of the newest things that they added in the last year or so is the glass walkouts, of which there are four on the Skywalk. Ok, so these walkouts are extended about five feet out into THIN AIR! The whole time, my engineering mind was saying "It's ok, there's a bunch of engineering and calculations and simulation testing that went into this and so no one is going to die", and my irrational mind was going "Holy Crap get me out of here!" Needless to say, I went out, got my picture, and then left as soon as I could.

After the Sears Tower, my friends and I ate at Giordano's, which is one of the famous places in Chicago for deep-dish pizza. It's not THE place for it, but those places also have hour long waits. I ate at Giordano's last week with my boss and my manufacturing group. We have some deep dish pizza, and it was so delicious! I love the food in this city.

Afterwards, we navigated the El and buses so that we could go to the Museum of Science and Industry. Again, it's free because the Abbot Foundation donates a bunch of money.

One of the coolest features of the MSI is that they have the only captured German U-boat from WWII. While it costs more to go on a tour of the U-boat, you can go through the entire exhibit for free, and since I only had about an hour, that's what I did. It was incredibly interesting, and since I love WWII history, it was amazing to me.

After MSI, my friends and I wandered around for about an hour trying to find somewhere we could watch the fireworks. Eventually, we decided just to give up because there were hundreds of thousands of people there, and everyone wanted to get on Navy Pier. Yeah, that doesn't sound like my kind of fun. We ended up taking the El back to Des Plaines, and along the way saw about ten different fireworks shows, so I guess we didn't miss it after all.

This week is going to be a busy one, again. I have two projects to finish, and I'm trying to cram four days of work essentially into three. If I work extra the rest of the days, I can go into work for only a few hours on Friday (I have meetings in the morning) and then leave so I can hang out with my parents and little sister who are coming to visit. More family fun time!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

The End of Week Number 2

When I last wrote I was just starting the beginning of my second week of work at Abbott Molecular. I spent a lot of my first week at work not doing much, but it definitely picked up during my second week, and looks like it won't ever slow down!

The rest of my week at work I was busy with getting some of my work done. Last week when I met with my manager, she gave me a big list of projects that I need to finish before the end of my summer internship, so I started work on those. First up: a listing of all of the AMD products and where they are used as well as their medical application. While it's pretty easy to get the information and put it together, next I get to make it nice and accessible, which will mean that I get to spend some time at my computer over the next few days playing with excel and powerpoint.

I have also been helping one of the PDPs (it's a rotational program for new hires into Abbott) finish up her projects before she rotates to a new post in just a few days. We're (and when I say we, I really mean her) analyzing data from our products to show that two similar products that are making different amounts of money can be transferred into one product to make more money. It's just a lot of data on an excel spreadsheet, so I am helping the PDP clear up the data so that it's easy readable for her to analyze. It's not hard work by any means, but it is something to do.

I went in to have a 1-on-1 with my boss on Friday, and she gave me another task to do! She said that she gave me this task because I'm 'sociable' -- which I was sure if that was a bad thing or a good thing. For instance, does she mean that I am spending too much time not at my desk and speaking with the other interns, or is it a good thing because I'm making fast friends and getting to know people? Well, it was a good thing. She wants me to organize a visit for the North Chicago interns in a few weeks - which for any of you that know me know that I LOVE organizing events! It's what I've been doing with SWE for the past few years, and I enjoy being in charge.

On that note, I really enjoy all of the people that I am working with -- my group has some cool people, and it's small enough that I know that I will get to know them all this summer. Abbott Molecular is pretty small, but it is the fastest growing division in the company at the moment. They are even starting to add on more office space and rearrange the space they already have to accommodate the growth! My boss is incredibly nice. She took me to the fruit market with her on Friday, and then bought me lunch so that we could talk outside of our work environment. I know that I am going to enjoy working here.

Also! I got my first paycheck on Thursday. I have direct deposit so I didn't have that piece of paper in my hand, but I looked on Thursday morning and my checking account balance was significantly higher, which definitely made my day. I am now thinking that Thursday is going to be the best day of my week.

I haven't been doing too much this weekend. Last night Keith, Andy, and I visited some friends of Keith's in Naperville, which is about 40 minutes south west of here. We hung out, drove around Naperville, and pretty much were trying to do something different than just hanging out around the hotel. Today I got up, ate some breakfast (sometimes it is really nice to not have to cook at all -- but I miss having a kitchen most of the time), and then sat outside in the courtyard of the hotel and read my latest book "The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Steig Larsson. It is so amazing! The storyline is so intriguing, and catches you in the beginning and holds you all the way through. My one tiff with it though is that it ended pretty much on a cliffhanger, and I guess I have to read the next book to figure the rest of it out. Thankfully, the last book came out about a month ago; I have a feeling that I'm going to need to place a Borders order soon =D

Tomorrow I might go into the city and see some sights, depending on the weather. I also need to get at least one load of laundry done, because Keith keeps pre-empting me in laundry room. Damn Keith...haha

So now I am sitting, hanging out with the other interns watching "Transformers" on TV. Nothing exciting going on Des Plaines, IL.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Trips Into ChiCAgo, Lightning, Running Through the Woods, and MORE Crazy Weather!

An eventful, fun-filled, action packed three days! Well, kind of.

I seem to sit here and write when there's some crazy weather phenomenon going on, and so tonight is no exception. There was a tornado watch today!!! What? I have never a part of something like that! I really don't think there was any possibility of it hitting Chicago and Des Plaines, but it was crazy none the less. The weather was a bit windy all day, and then around 4 pm it got even more windy and dark and overcast -- on the longest day of the year, of course. Now there's a bit of thunder and lightning, so I'm assuming it will start raining again. This is so different from summer in California, it's nuts.

I know I said I was going to go to the International Museum of Surgical Science on Saturday, but I didn't....sad face. Andy and I still went into Chicago, but instead we met up with some other interns from Lake County who were in for the weekend and went to the Planetarium. Unfortunately, that's not one of the places where we get in for free with our Abbott badges, but apparently we do get in free to the Field Museum, the Aquarium, and the Art Institute, as well as a few other places, which of course we will have to check out because we are college students and we love free stuff! It was relatively easy to get into the city -- we took the hotel shuttle to the El station at O'Hare, and $2.25 and 40 minutes later we we in the Loop. From there, we walked by Navy Pier and along Lake Street (which runs along Lake Michigan). It was a really nice day, somewhat hot, but incredibly nice out and the view of the Lake was pretty amazing. There were so many people running and riding bikes there; everyone seems to love working out in Chicago, it was cool to see. About two or three miles later, we hit the Field Museum and the Planetarium. We met some people at the Planetarium, and spent a few hours inside. It was really nice inside; not sure if it was worth the money, but it was fun. Afterwards, Andy and I checked out my guide book and found a delicious diner about two blocks from where we were (Eleven City Diner on Wabash -- great food if you ever have the chance!). The food was delicious, the people were nice, and I left feeling so full I could hardly move. My kind of place! We then headed back to Des Plaines on the El and called it a day around 8 pm.

The next morning was Sunday, which meant it was my long run day (see Coach, I actually did it!). There's a bunch of woods across the street from where I am staying, so I figured there had to be a trail in it somewhere, which definitely sounded way more appealing than running along the streets with traffic, and would be much nicer on my knees and shins than concrete. After exploring for a bit, I did find a trail, which I took about a mile and half in one direction and then turned around and came back. I passed where I started and went about a mile further, and then came back about half a mile to my hotel. I did almost 5 miles altogether, which is the longest run I have done in....ever. It was a really nice run, through the woods and running with butterflies, dragonflies....and mosquitoes. I thought they only came out at night? Nope, I have about ten bites to prove that they just love me at any time of the day! Andy says it's reason to never go outside. But! The coolest thing that happened to me on my run was that I got about 10 FEET from a deer! I was running along, just taking in the view, when all of a sudden there was a deer to my left a little off the trail. I stopped suddenly, and so did the deer. I have no idea if it was male or female, but I continued to stand still for about a minute until it ran off. It was so amazing and beautiful.

After the awesomeness of all of that, I sat outside in the courtyard of my hotel and started reading for a good long time. I just started reading "The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Stieg Larsson, and if you have not read any of his books, I highly, highly recommend them. His first is "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", and is the first in the trilogy. The first was amazing in it's level of detail and research; and they take place in Sweden, which is different. The third book in the trilogy, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest", just was released in May, and I cannot wait to read it. I started the first book in mid May, and I had it read within about four days, which in itself is pretty amazing since I had so much homework to do, but also these books are about 700 pages long. But they just suck you in -- so, beware, don't start unless you have a lot of extra time laying around. I also just finished "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. Now, I just need to see the movie -- I had heard that I needed to read the book before I watched the movie, so I did. The book was really good -- it got into a pattern near the middle, which you can see if you read the book, but it was an interesting way of detailing that it truly is the journey -- or I guess, the road you take -- not the destination that matters.

Went back to work this morning, and I still don't have much to do. A lot depends on knowing a lot of the manufacturing areas, which requires this tour that a PDP was setting up for all of us interns. However, it had to be rescheduled due to a deadline being Wednesday for the PDPs in my department. So, for now, I am reading a lot on how to classify buildings and rooms, and hopefully it will save me a lot of work later on. I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow (I swear, these people love getting up early. And I don't.) at 7 am, but at least I get those hours. I am quickly discovering that I am not told to go home. My manager doesn't care too much about the hours I keep as long as I work full time throughout the work, and so if I put in a little extra time throughout the week then I get to leave early on Friday. I am not expected to be at my desk all the time, but I am expected to get my work done on time and done well. I guess this is what real life will be like, right?

Well, it just started raining, and there's definitely thunder and lightning now. I have heard more thunder and lightning in my one week here (One week down, 12 to go!) than I heard in the last year in San Luis Obispo. Weird, right?

This weekend is the Taste of Chicago kick off, and all of us interns are going to go down Saturday and gorge ourselves on the delicious food and amazing atmosphere. I am so excited it's not funny...we'll eventually go to IMSS, but the museum will be there, and like I said, I have 12 weeks to go. Oh! And I finally got some delicious deep dish pizza. It was here in Des Plaines, and I'm sure I'll eat better in Chicago, but until I have that opportunity, this was the best. It even had all of my fave foods -- cheese, pepperoni, and bacon. Holy Moly it was DELICIOUS (haha Susan, I win).


Friday, June 18, 2010

Weather in the Mid-West is CRAZY

As I sit here at my computer, I am staring out my window at the cracks of lightning that are playing across the landscape. I honestly don’t understand mid-west weather – it can change in literally a minute.

When I left work at 3:15 today (I hit 40 hours at 3 and I can’t work overtime, or so I’ve heard. I had two working lunches this week, so I worked 9 hours two other days), it was pretty nice out. A bit muggy, but it was sunny and not too bad. I actually was about to head outside to the patio to read a book when the weather just got absolutely crazy! All of a sudden, it got incredibly windy and there was a giant dust storm rolling across the construction site in front of me. A few minutes later, it started misting all over, and then suddenly, it began to pour. That was when our power went out and the lightning started. It’s mostly been pretty far away (the techniques I learned when I was about 8 years old for figuring out how far away the lightning is still works haha) but there have been some really close ones that have taken me by surprise! It’s also incredibly windy, but I guess one benefit of being on the fifth floor is that there’s no chance any of the surrounding trees won’t fall on my room because they aren’t tall enough.

I almost went running too, right before this! It would have been really scary to have been stuck outside when this started. At least in California you generally get a warning from the sky if it’s going to rain or something like that. Geez, mid-west, way to be surprising.

So, like I said earlier, I got off work today at 3, which now is probably a really good (or maybe bad?) thing because I would have been stuck at work with nothing to do if the power is out there. I’m living about a mile and half from work, so there is a very good chance that the power is out there as well. Thank goodness I had my computer plugged in and fully charged right before the power went out! I would read, but it’s too dark to do so.

And in the 15 minutes since I started writing this, the rain stopped! WTF. There’s still thunder and lightning though, and from the looks of it all of the buildings in my view have their power knocked out too.

I received my full assignment today, and today was also the first day where I didn’t really sit at my computer all day. I had a meeting with my manager in the morning, which was about a hour and a half going over what I’m suppose to do during my three months here at AMD (Abbott Molecular Division, for all you non-cool people out there *coughSUSANcough*). Like I said yesterday, I’ll be doing a complete parts assessment of the manufacturing division. I will also be interfacing with other departments to get utilities drawings made up, architectural drawings of each of the rooms, and ISO (International Organization of Standards) documents in place. So what I will be doing will be slightly tedious, but is a great way for me to learn the company, and is a great way for me to find out about all the different products that Abbott makes. I will also be doing some time studies about packaging and all of that fun stuff.

It’s kind of funny, because almost everything I am doing is either manufacturing or industrial engineering based; yet my department at school doesn’t want us taking courses in either of those disciplines because they don’t think that they are relevant to what we will be doing in the future. Guess not….

After my meeting with my manager, I had a “Bring Your Lunch and Learn” Intern meeting. Three of us interns conference called into corporate about “Volunteerism at Abbott”. It was interesting because it talked about the types of volunteering that corporate wants employees to do (like, you shouldn’t do Christmas Caroling because that’s not non-denominational) and different things interns could get involved in. The problem is that I want to get involved, but all of the meetings for these volunteer events are at Park, and there’s no way for us to get up there, especially for only a half hour meeting when getting there takes 45 minutes. That’s one disadvantage of being at AMD – we’re so close that we’re considered part of Lake County in terms of Abbott, but we’re not at Park so we don’t get to participate in as many intern events. However, it’s cool because there’s only 7 of us interns at AMD so we all have gotten to know each other and hang out all the time – you can’t do that with the 140 interns at corporate.

Thirty minutes later and the electricity still isn’t on – if it doesn’t come back on soon, this is going to be a really long evening. At least our doors still work, so I might go and visit the other interns here at the hotel so that I have some company.

Tomorrow – IMSS! (International Museum of Surgical Science), Deep Dish Pizza! And all other fun things Chicago has to offer.


** About an hour later, my power came back on, which allowed me to post this for all you people =)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is This What Real Work is Like?

This blog is especially for Susan, who apparently is so bored with her life right now all she wants to do is read my blog. Susan, I will do this only if you comment. Seriously. And Randi, cause she spent an hour on the phone with me tonight =D

I have now completed 4 days of work at Abbott Molecular, and I don't actually know what I am suppose to be doing. Well, actually, I know what I am suppose to do, but not how to do it, so there's a slight problem there.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I had a meeting with my manager and I learned what I will be doing for at least the start of the summer. I will be doing a complete asset analysis of the manufacturing process and labs in the division and then ordering drawings of the processes, and hopefully also figuring out how to better the processes. So, for the beginning, I'll be a professional counter....haha Great thing I've taken college level math courses for this, right? I think it will actually be a cool way to learn more about what Abbott Molecular does how to integrate myself with the process.

I also got to sit through my first meeting yesterday, and to top it off it was a working lunch. It was to learn more about 5S ways to make a work space more effective, etc. It was actually really interesting, and I got to meet more of the Manufacturing team. Some of what Abbott Molecular does is manufacture and package testing kits for machines that they sell to labs and then they also instruct labs on how to use these machines and testing kits in conjunction. Some of the things they test for are diseases like trisomy 23 (Down Syndrome) and other birth defects in the womb, and receive the results within hours instead of days. They also test for different strains/mutations of HIV-1, so that a more effective pill regimen can be prescribed. After reading through the site (about twice in the last two days), what Molecular does is really cool and kind of the perfect place for a BMED in Abbott.

Today, I got to head up to the "Park", aka Abbott Park, with Keith and Andy, two of the other Molecular interns (there's 6 or 7 of us all together), for an information session about the poster competition that we will be participating in. It wasn't too long of a meeting, but it was a nice change to get out of the office for a bit. I spent some more time learning about the PDP program that Abbott offers (it's "Professional Development Program"), which is a program for recent college grads that is a 2-year rotational program. I applied, and I hope I get an interview this summer for a job for when I graduate next June!

Ok, so Susan says I need to mention this stuff. I feel like my life is directly out of the movie "Office Space", at the moment (you know, when he says "I only do 15 minutes of real work a day"). I know it will pick up a lot real soon, but for now I do a lot of research and training of my computer at my temporary cubicle. I'm moving cubes in a week when one of the PDPs that I am working with right now transfers to a different location. I also sit RIGHT NEXT TO the copy machine, which always makes for some interesting talk I overhear. I also have a red swingline stapler -- life actually can't get any better, right? "I believe you have my stapler"; "Um, yeah".=)

Andy and I are going to head into the city this weekend to see some sites, because he's been here for a month and still hasn't gone in! I think some of his friends who are based out of Lake County are going to join us, because we're going to hit up the International Museum of Surgical Science! Oh man, I am so super stoked. We also plan on getting some delicious deep dish pizza. I'm also thinking of making plans to go to DC to see Gabriell for 4th of would be so amazing to spend independence weekend in the capital!

As for my hotel, I get a room to myself, which is really nice. I discovered it's because I'm the odd girl out --- there's three girls and two boys who are staying in the hotel, so I was the last to get here and I get the single room. But most of the time, I hang out in others' rooms because we all just hang out together. We get free dinner four days a week, which isn't too bad of fare, and free breakfast every day, which so far I haven't strayed too far from my bagel and banana -- but apparently their breakfast burritos are delicious. I just never have enough time in the morning to actually eat a whole one.

So now, I'm off to bed because I would rather not fall asleep at my desk. So, Susan, I hope you're happy now, and yes, because I was so awesome with my red swingline, and my bosses were really impressed, so now I get to research cancer. Well, actually, help detect it, but you know, still cool. Haha.

Night everyone!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 1 of Oh So Many...

Yesterday, Monday, started my first day of work at Abbott Laboratories. It started off pretty exciting at 7 AM (yes, Dad, that's 7 in the morning) when I was picked up from my hotel by a white limo. I got to stare out of the window at the towns passing by as I went from Des Plaines up to Lake County. There's a bunch of trees here -- way more than in California, at least off of the highway.

I spent from 8 am to 1 pm in orientation at headquarters. During orientation, we got an overview of the company, met some other interns, and got some sweet Abbott swag. I left with a duffel bag with "Abbott" stitched on it, and an Abbott water bottle. I also got my badge, which opens up doors for me :D literally.  There were about 30 of us there, and I would have to say that 25 people were from De Paul or Northwestern -- both schools in this area, so I guess that makes sense. There was 4 of us from California -- 3 from CP SLO, and 1 from UCLA. I met some cool kids, except I was the only one who is based at Des Plaines, so I won't see them too much.

After orientation and lunch, I was picked up by my manager and driven down to Des Plaines so that I could meet people and find my way around and start actually working! I swear, the Des Plaines office is SO COMPLETELY CONFUSING! It's a giant square with a lot of hallways that are all of the same colors, so I have gotten lost so many times, it's not even funny. I spent the rest of the day meeting people, finding a desk (which I am moving from in a week when that person leaves, so I get to move again!), getting a computer (again, will change when I move), and just generally figuring stuff out. I found out that I will be doing Manufacturing Engineering, which is definitely not what I thought I would be doing, but I have high hopes for it...I think it will be exciting.

Later in the evening, I met Andy and Keith, two of the other interns who work at Des Plaines with me but in different divisions. There's 7 of us interns on site, and only 5 of us live in Abbott housing.

Today was my first real day of actual work, and I spent most of it reading manuals about manufacturing and risk analysis. I'm sure I will be doing stuff with quality assurance and all of that fun stuff as soon as I get all of the basics down. Amanda, the girl who's desk I will be taking over when she transfers in a week, took us interns to lunch at Culvers, which apparently is big in Wisconsin and just moved to Chicago. Their claim to fame is their custard, which I tried and must say is very delicious.

Geez, real work is tiring! I have been super tired the last two days, and so I hope to get a lot of sleep tonight. I've just been hanging out in my room tonight while it rained, and there was thunder and lightning. It's so weird when it rains here, because it's still really warm, unlike in California. It's suppose to get all nice and nasty and hot in the next few days, which will be really awesome when I head into the city this weekend for lots of fun in Chicago. I went for a run on the treadmill in the tiny gym here -- I still haven't found a pool to swim in, I'm hoping to find one soon. If not, I'll just do a lot of stationary bike and weight lifting.

I'm looking forward to getting into the nitty gritty of work -- I'm sure in a few weeks I will be begging for the days when I had nothing to do! I just feel weird when I don't have any work to do because it looks like I am not working at all!

For now, I'm off. It's 9 pm here, and I am honestly ready to go to sleep.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello from Illinois!

Hello from Illinois! It's about 8:15 pm here in the Central time zone, and I've been here in Illinois for a total of about 4 hours now.

I finished up finals just fine on Thursday, with my two hardest back to back, but done! I spent Thursday night having out with friends and playing the longest game of Apples to Apples I have EVER played, going on three hours! I got up early and left Friday morning to drive up to home in the Bay Area, usually a three and half hour drive. Well, everyone must have been going home, because it took me about 4.5 instead -- but it worked out, because it was a nice day out, so once it was stop and go I cranked up the music and down my windows, and enjoyed the sunshine.

This weekend is "rodeo weekend" in Livermore, which is a BIG deal. To some people. Like KK, who came home with Jason for our "almost annual" Rodeo party (we have breaks every few year due to the fact it's the same weekend as graduation). We had a bunch of fun, had a bunch of people over. Mom made homemade sangria, and there was soda, beer, and other drinks (I think there was some moonshine there, just saying), and lots of bbq.

Woke up this morning at 6 so that we could leave for the airport at 7, to make my flight at 9:30. Made through everything alright, and by the time I made it to my gate it was time to board, so all the waiting around in line worked out! I had gotten a direct flight to O'Hare, which was really nice.

Did you know that O'Hare airport is named after Butch O'Hare, a pilot in the Pacific during WWII? Well, his dad was the accountant for Al Capone during the prohibition years, and was the one who went to the FBI and IRS with his tax evasion -- some say so that his son, Butch, could get into the Naval Academy. Just before Al Capone was supposed to be released from prison, the elder O'Hare was gunned down -- most say by Capone's men. Fun fact for everyone!

Abbott is taking really good care of me -- they arranged for a car to pick me up from the airport and bring me to my hotel, and then there's a car to take me to work tomorrow morning as well. I am living about ten minutes from the airport -- there really isn't much here in my area of Des Plaines. From my window, I can see a construction site and the tollway -- super exciting.

But more about where I am staying! I get a whole room to myself!! How amazing is that? It's a "King Suite", so it's more than just a regular room. I walked in, and right in front of me is a living area with a couch, chairs, a table, desk, tv, and mini bar. There's a nice bathroom, and then a bedroom with a King bed, dresser, tv, and chair. It is so sweet! I've already started making it mine -- unpacking clothes, setting up my books along a desk, and all of that fun stuff.

Tomorrow morning I start bright and early at 7 am! I am going up to corporate headquarter in Lake County for orientation, and then I come back to Des Plaines in the afternoon to get oriented and all that fun stuff. I am really excited to start work!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Almost Last Lasts

One final down, and two left to go! It's been really hard to concentrate on studying when I have things like cleaning and packing to do. And it's just always really hard to concentrate on studying for finals. I had my biotransport phenomena final this morning, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have biomechanics and biophysiology back to back on Thursday evening, which is going to be a blast since they are my hardest classes.

I have almost finished packing, and I can definitely tell that I have WAY too much packed, and I keep adding to the pile. I'm going to have to go through this again tomorrow and take some stuff out.

There are definitely benefits to having friends all over the country. One person that I met when we lived next door to each other on study abroad in Paris two summers ago lives in Illinois -- and has told me apparently the best place in Chicago to get deep dish pizza. Ellen, I will be forever in your debt =D

So here I sit, once again procrastinating studying, while listening to the new Glee soundtrack and playing around. I really have to buckle down! I filled out the rest of my paperwork today for my job, all stating that I was a US citizen and therefore could actually work for a company in the US.

About Abbott -- did you know that Abbott manufactures products like Pediasure, Pedialyte, Ensure, and Myoplex? I didn't know that! They also manufacture a bunch of devices for laboratory diagnostics, medical optics (Complete Solution for contacts...used that at some point in my life), and diabetes care, as well as all of their biomedical products like stents. They also are based all over the world -- perfect for my future aspirations of being an ex-pat! 

This time next week I will finished with my second day of work. I've been hitting up some of my favorite places in San Luis Obispo is preparation of not having them for three months....and the fact that I really don't want to go grocery shopping for three days worth of food. Bali's yogurt....delicious. And I went to my last running practice this afternoon -- don't worry, Coach, I'll run in Chicago, I promise! I'm up to 2 miles on my shorter days and 3-4 miles on my long runs now, hopefully that'll get longer by the end of the summer.

So, now I guess I am finished procrastinating even longer. G'night everyone!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just Finals Left!

Seven days and counting until I leave the Golden State for the Land of Lincoln (or, according to Wikipedia, the Prairie State). But first, finals!

I have finals in three of my classes --- Biotransport Phenomena, Biomechanics, and Biophysiology. This quarter has been a tough one, so I am really glad that it's coming to an end. In a way, it was both a help and hindrance that I knew I had my internship to look forward to. It was a help because I had a goal in mind to get to, and a hindrance because I started getting lazy and didn't want to work on homework because all I wanted to do was leave! It was so hard to motivate myself sometimes; like last night (a Friday), when I didn't have class but I had two assignments due...and my friends were doing celebratory margaritas. As much much as I wanted to join them, I had a lab to finish :(

I leave for Chicago in a week! I started counting down over a month ago, so it's so surreal that I'm in the single digits now. I'm starting to compile a list of places that I am going to be touristy at and visit when I am in Illinois. Here's what I have so far:

International Museum of Surgical Science (I'm such a biomed)Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (Mom, I'm saving that one for when you visit)
Magnificent Mile
Navy Pier
Sears Tower Skydeck (It's GLASS!)
The Art Institute of Chicago
Museum of Science and Industry
Wrigley Field

And I'm sure the list will keep growing. I probably need to get a tourist guide. Also, in Des Plaines, where I will be living, there is the original McDonald's. I'm sure going to go to that.....

My list of things to do before I leave keeps getting longer. Finish school, pack, get last minute items (like bug spray. How could I have forgotten that the first time through?), buy some books to keep me entertained, and it goes on and on and on!

But, for now, I'm going to go sequester myself and do some studying on what happens to be the most gorgeous day we have seen in San Luis Obispo all year. Of course it's the weekend before finals. Figures.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Seventeen Days and Counting...


As you probably know (since you've decided to read my blog), I'm spending the summer in Des Plaines, IL, for my internship. I will be working for Abbott Laboratories doing "quality engineering". I still have no idea what that means, but I'm sure that I will find out real quickly!

I just wanted to keep all of my friends and family updated while I am across the country hopefully having an amazing summer experience!

I leave in seventeen days, and start work in eighteen. I am heading home the day after finals, and I get one day at home, before I head out to Chicago. I'm so excited!

How did I end up getting a job in Illinois, you may ask? Well, I have a good story to tell! In October, I was at the Cal Poly Career Fair, where I got an interview with Abbott....unfortunately, I was leaving THAT NIGHT for the Society of Women Engineers National Conference, so I couldn't interview. So, they arranged for me to interview at the National Conference, where they had some of their HR reps. The next night, in Long Beach, CA at the conference, I approached the Abbott table at the career fair and chatted with one woman about Abbott and possibilities for an interview. I think she must have really not liked me, and I wasn't offered an interview....I was crushed. So, I decided to head back the next morning to their booth, and talked to a different representative. This time, I got the interview! I interviewed that afternoon, and thought that it went great.

I didn't hear from Abbott for SIX WEEKS! I had pretty much given up all hope of a job with them, when I got a phone call in late November. I got the internship! While I didn't find out until the end of March where I was actually going (honestly, I thought I was going to end up in Temecula, CA), I didn't care. I HAD A JOB! When I found out Illinois -- man, that was interesting.

So here I am. I'm getting ready to leave California in seventeen days, and I am so excited that I don't have room for nervousness. I did a little bit of online shopping tonight in preparation for having to dress nice every single day (and, I reasoned, it was a birthday present to myself -- the big 22!) and I need to get more stuff in order.

Oh, and Abbott is definitely taking care of me. They arranged my flight out to Chicago, my housing (I'm living in a flipping Marriott for the summer!! What?!?!), and my transportation to and from work. I couldn't have asked for a better company to intern for!

Right now, I'm focusing on finishing my last week and half of spring quarter (18 units this quarter -- it's been killing me!), defining my thesis project, finishing up my work as Cal Poly Society of Women Engineers President (can you believe it's been a year since I took office? I can't. And -- exciting stuff, SWE headquarter are in Chicago!), and getting through four finals. Then......Illinois!

I'll surely updated more as life gets more exciting, but for now, this is my last post as a 21 year old. The big 2-2 is tomorrow!
